November 27, 2005


A Walk On The Beach (Day 59)

If a person from another culture continuously litters his/her surroundings and gives little thought to the environment and its' future, is that careless?

If a person from another culture cops a squat in the sand within visable range of numerous people, goes poop and then simply scoots forward without pulling up her pants and proceeds to dig something out of the sand, is that primative?

If animals in a different culture are dying of disease and starvation around and in people's homes and no one notices, is that heartless?

If a culture promotes the ideology that lighter skin is better and sells skin damaging whitening creams, is that racist?

OR... is it just different?

very interesting thoughts there jazz.

i have always thought of it all just being a different way of thinking but certainly there are exceptions.
some people are just 'careless' and others just dont understand the damage they are really making on the environment. sadly some people just dont care cause shit, either way they wont be here forever to enjoy the future in its pristine and natural state so why not be lazy, and throw shit on the ground.
im sure you know in Singapore you cant spit or chew gum. ummm yeah see i have a problem with that i dont know if i have ever had a day in my life that i have not spit and it has certainly been a while since i've gone a whole day not chewing gum.
ok i dont really care to make a fuss over it but to make a point i feel like spitting is a natural body function so why make it a law that you cant do it just do it in a trash can or something...
which brings me to my next point. look it would be hard for me to get used to people just up and pooping everywhere and anywhere but hey if you gotta go, i dont have to watch but maybe you could clean your shit up. although, i am sure that would hardly happen.

As for the heartless dog owners...if a family has a dog as a pet and doesnt feed it, i would assume it was because they are having a hard enough time feeding themselves or maybe that their way of thinking is that the dog will find food on their own. how did dogs take care of themselves before it became a conventional thing or was it always and now the world is just over populated with dogs? i dont know the history of dogs.
as for skin whitening being racist, i dont know cause where i am right now being really white is thought of as looking like death so everyone goes tanning to look like they are Latin American or just got back from the Medditerean (or in most cases in NE, Florida). maybe its just 'the grass is always greener on the other side' syndrome.
really we could go a lot of different directions with these comments they are certainly interesting to think about.
really we are guilty of doing the same things just in a different way.
we drive cars that pollute the earth, we waste food and OBSESS about not eating too much when there are people suffering from malnutrition. we put all our energy and finances into ourselves. whether its clothes, booze, a haircut or going out to a nice restaurant and along the way to doing all those things, how many times have you walked by a homeless person and just kept walking?
i have definately squatted over and pooped on open grounds but i didnt have a choice and i pray no one saw me to do it, for their sake. the idea of that being offensive or making you uncomfortable is partly it being out of the norm and partyly because really i think as humans we innately think of going around a corner or a bush to do that alone.
some people could look at me out one night back in the hay days of my amateur drinking career and think oh my god what the hell is that girl is doing? as i am making out with some guy i dont know or puking on the side walk or passing out at the dinner table or jumping into a water fountain or hiding in the neighbors bushes or skinning dipping on the beach. what is more embarassing or offensive to whom?

again, we all want things we dont have. i wanted wavy hair my whole life, until i got it. i want longer legs because i dont. i could care less about BOOBIES because i have always had them. they were annoying when they started to grow and yup they still take maitenance but if someone chopped them off, i would feel like i am missing limbs.
i see darker skin as being beautiful and i wish i was darker because right about now i look like death. really i mean you can see my insides through my skin.
anywhere you go there is an idea of what beautiful looks like and they are all just different ideas, and yes prejudices will exist in all of them, unfortunately. There are so many different questions we could ask not only of others but ourselves, why we do certain things to ourselves so that we can fit into this idea of beautiful the has become the focal point of our culture.
the expectations of beauty have become so high in some places that humans can not maintain them naturally so alternative...
cosmetic sergery. My question is , what are we all going to look like a few decades from now? humans are starting to look inhuman and manufactured. the funny thing is that all these little bubbles around the world that are playing around with costmetic surgery they are all after the same idea of beauty within each of those bubbles. Result...i think it would be easier, at this point, to take a poll of how many girl living in Southern California have blonde hair and boob jobs?
ok enough i am done.
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