January 26, 2006
A Well Past Due Blog Entry (Day 120)
When I originally decided I needed to write a blog we had just agreed to go to Ko Chang. When I started writing this blog we were in Ko Chang. Now 10 days later as we leave Ko Chang I've finally finished.
Sometimes there's just too much to say.
For instance, the last time I wrote was January 6th, 20 days ago! Since then...
Joslyn and I went to two different cities, did a bit or rock climbing, got a bazillion bug bites, did a lot of partying, took a train ride, went back to Bangkok, then she left, Jared arrived, we spent 3 days in BKK, went to Chatuchuck for the 3rd time, watched some kickass Muai Thai, my camera was broken and repaired, we went to Ko Chang, Jared tried to kill me twice, we did 6 days of diving, we almost adopted a puppy, I got a skin rash, my bug bites finally disappeared, we ate a fabulous Italian dinner, we made some friends, saw some fish and now were on a bus back to the captial of Thailand and my own personal hell.
Whew, I guess that sums it up. I can probably stop writing...but I won't.
Like I said, there's too much to say.
We arrived in Ko Chang last Monday and found a nice backpacker beach called "lonely beach", although it's about 500 backpackers too many to be "lonely". Ko Chang is the second largest island in Thailand (after Phuket) that in my opinion is still remarkably relaxed and somewhat undiscovered inspite of it's rapid development. It's not undiscovered in the Leonardo DeCaprio "Beach" sense, but more in the sense that every beach has yet to hold an all-inclusive western catoring resort packed full of plump dads in speedos, moms in asian print dresses picked specifically for the next neighborhood cocktail party, and kids in matching jumpers poking at mangy thai mutts with well licked popcicle sticks.
As you can tell, although pleasantly surprised by the amount of traveling families, they're not my ideal travel companions.
When Jared first arrived, we decided Ko Chang would be a good place to get our diving licences, and it turned out to be a perfect choice. We spent four days doing our Padi Open Water course, and then two additional days getting our Advanced licence. The total cost was about 20,000 baht or $500 usd which is way more then my budget would allow but about 1/2 the price of getting certified at home, so I guess one could say it is well worth the 2 weeks I'll be cutting off the end of my trip as a result. I will not fail to make it known that by the 5th day/6th dive, it was starting to feel like a bit of a chore. Not to mention, the prospect of "studying" seemed a bit absurd.

After our 4th day of diving we decided to take a day off to both enjoy the island and watch the Seattle Seahawks in the NFL playoffs (Jared's activity of choice, not mine). Unfortunately Jared (and I will say Jared because I thought about this specific detail as I was hurriedly getting dressed that morning in hopes of catching the 630am kickoff but thought better of questioning Jared's mathmatical skills regarding such an important event) failed to realize that a Sunday game at home is not a Sunday game in Thailand. Needless to say, we had an early start that day and would have another the next in order to finally watch the game. We spent our now 2 days off riding the steep jungle roads on a rented motorbike, as well as enjoying the beaches and restaurants the small island had to offer. Other than the two times Jared tried to kill me, it was a nice two days.

Okay, okay, I know I can't hint and not tell, but in an effort to save Jared from further guilty embarrassment I will say only this:
I arrived on Ko Chang without road rash, but today, as we leave, I have some.
It has been nice having him around, even if I have to watch some football (Go Seahawks!).

It's kind of odd when you find yourself far from home with someone from home. First Sheila, Tala and Jos, and now Jared. It makes things a little weird. For one, the frugal budget watching Jasmine tries to make a sly getaway, and it takes a great deal of effort to keep her from disappearing for good. When I'm at home with them, money isn't an issue. If I get dinner they'll get it next time. If I pay for a taxi, they'll buy my next drink. But here, here it's all different. Every penny counts, and it's weird to find myself asking for their 20 baht for the last taxi. Luckily here it just makes me a traveler, whereas at home I'd be a cheapskate.
Inspite of the increase in spending, it's nice to have them around. It was hard saying goodbye to Jos. We'd done a lot of bonding over the 3 weeks she was here, and even though I may not have shed a tear as I waved goodbye from that smog engulfed greasy corner in Bangkok, I was sad nonetheless.
Luckily Jared arrived 36 hours later.

We had originally planned to travel together until March when I leave for Australia, but there's been a slight change of plans...
Tomorrow we go our separate ways.
As some of you may know, and most of you do not, Jared and I have a long complicated past. We met around 6 years ago and after a year and a half our friendship transformed into a relationship which we have spent the last 4 years trying to perfect. We have yet to succeed, and at this point have abandoned the endevor, and decided to become "friends" once again. As a result, following the path of brutal honesty I unfailingly (although sometimes detrimentally) follow, we've addmitted that traveling together for the next 2 months may not be the best idea. In order to travel freely and be open to change, one must be free of all bonds holding them to their previous self blah blah blah (insert philosophical crap here). These are our lives, and we want to make the best of them. I would like to make an amendment to the phrase "best friends make the best couples" though...
Best friends make the best couples if it happens at the best possible time.
So, today's our last day together at least until Africa, unless of couse I stay in Australia longer, but that's another issue for another blog. Tonight we're meeting up with our good friend Allison and her friend Lindsay who I think are planning to accompany me to Laos. Jared's planning to head south until his dad arrives at the end of February...which now that I think about it is probably the next time I'll see him because I can't not say hello to John, and... I mean come on... is it really possible for Jared and I to travel in the same country on the far side of the world and not overlap?
So, until the next blog (which hopefully won't be 20 days from now) I must go and prepare myself for the noisy, sour, hazy, neon streets of Bangkok.
Deep breaths Jasmine, there own't be fresh air for a few days yet...
Sometimes there's just too much to say.
For instance, the last time I wrote was January 6th, 20 days ago! Since then...
Joslyn and I went to two different cities, did a bit or rock climbing, got a bazillion bug bites, did a lot of partying, took a train ride, went back to Bangkok, then she left, Jared arrived, we spent 3 days in BKK, went to Chatuchuck for the 3rd time, watched some kickass Muai Thai, my camera was broken and repaired, we went to Ko Chang, Jared tried to kill me twice, we did 6 days of diving, we almost adopted a puppy, I got a skin rash, my bug bites finally disappeared, we ate a fabulous Italian dinner, we made some friends, saw some fish and now were on a bus back to the captial of Thailand and my own personal hell.
Whew, I guess that sums it up. I can probably stop writing...but I won't.
Like I said, there's too much to say.
We arrived in Ko Chang last Monday and found a nice backpacker beach called "lonely beach", although it's about 500 backpackers too many to be "lonely". Ko Chang is the second largest island in Thailand (after Phuket) that in my opinion is still remarkably relaxed and somewhat undiscovered inspite of it's rapid development. It's not undiscovered in the Leonardo DeCaprio "Beach" sense, but more in the sense that every beach has yet to hold an all-inclusive western catoring resort packed full of plump dads in speedos, moms in asian print dresses picked specifically for the next neighborhood cocktail party, and kids in matching jumpers poking at mangy thai mutts with well licked popcicle sticks.
As you can tell, although pleasantly surprised by the amount of traveling families, they're not my ideal travel companions.
When Jared first arrived, we decided Ko Chang would be a good place to get our diving licences, and it turned out to be a perfect choice. We spent four days doing our Padi Open Water course, and then two additional days getting our Advanced licence. The total cost was about 20,000 baht or $500 usd which is way more then my budget would allow but about 1/2 the price of getting certified at home, so I guess one could say it is well worth the 2 weeks I'll be cutting off the end of my trip as a result. I will not fail to make it known that by the 5th day/6th dive, it was starting to feel like a bit of a chore. Not to mention, the prospect of "studying" seemed a bit absurd.

After our 4th day of diving we decided to take a day off to both enjoy the island and watch the Seattle Seahawks in the NFL playoffs (Jared's activity of choice, not mine). Unfortunately Jared (and I will say Jared because I thought about this specific detail as I was hurriedly getting dressed that morning in hopes of catching the 630am kickoff but thought better of questioning Jared's mathmatical skills regarding such an important event) failed to realize that a Sunday game at home is not a Sunday game in Thailand. Needless to say, we had an early start that day and would have another the next in order to finally watch the game. We spent our now 2 days off riding the steep jungle roads on a rented motorbike, as well as enjoying the beaches and restaurants the small island had to offer. Other than the two times Jared tried to kill me, it was a nice two days.

Okay, okay, I know I can't hint and not tell, but in an effort to save Jared from further guilty embarrassment I will say only this:
I arrived on Ko Chang without road rash, but today, as we leave, I have some.
It has been nice having him around, even if I have to watch some football (Go Seahawks!).

It's kind of odd when you find yourself far from home with someone from home. First Sheila, Tala and Jos, and now Jared. It makes things a little weird. For one, the frugal budget watching Jasmine tries to make a sly getaway, and it takes a great deal of effort to keep her from disappearing for good. When I'm at home with them, money isn't an issue. If I get dinner they'll get it next time. If I pay for a taxi, they'll buy my next drink. But here, here it's all different. Every penny counts, and it's weird to find myself asking for their 20 baht for the last taxi. Luckily here it just makes me a traveler, whereas at home I'd be a cheapskate.
Inspite of the increase in spending, it's nice to have them around. It was hard saying goodbye to Jos. We'd done a lot of bonding over the 3 weeks she was here, and even though I may not have shed a tear as I waved goodbye from that smog engulfed greasy corner in Bangkok, I was sad nonetheless.
Luckily Jared arrived 36 hours later.

We had originally planned to travel together until March when I leave for Australia, but there's been a slight change of plans...
Tomorrow we go our separate ways.
As some of you may know, and most of you do not, Jared and I have a long complicated past. We met around 6 years ago and after a year and a half our friendship transformed into a relationship which we have spent the last 4 years trying to perfect. We have yet to succeed, and at this point have abandoned the endevor, and decided to become "friends" once again. As a result, following the path of brutal honesty I unfailingly (although sometimes detrimentally) follow, we've addmitted that traveling together for the next 2 months may not be the best idea. In order to travel freely and be open to change, one must be free of all bonds holding them to their previous self blah blah blah (insert philosophical crap here). These are our lives, and we want to make the best of them. I would like to make an amendment to the phrase "best friends make the best couples" though...
Best friends make the best couples if it happens at the best possible time.
So, today's our last day together at least until Africa, unless of couse I stay in Australia longer, but that's another issue for another blog. Tonight we're meeting up with our good friend Allison and her friend Lindsay who I think are planning to accompany me to Laos. Jared's planning to head south until his dad arrives at the end of February...which now that I think about it is probably the next time I'll see him because I can't not say hello to John, and... I mean come on... is it really possible for Jared and I to travel in the same country on the far side of the world and not overlap?
So, until the next blog (which hopefully won't be 20 days from now) I must go and prepare myself for the noisy, sour, hazy, neon streets of Bangkok.
Deep breaths Jasmine, there own't be fresh air for a few days yet...
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Fina-freakin-lly. A new post!
Say hi to Allison and give her a big hug from me - and hi to Jared the next time you see him!
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Say hi to Allison and give her a big hug from me - and hi to Jared the next time you see him!
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